Saturday, May 19, 2007

6 weird things about me

im going through the trouble of trying to figure out if these things are really weird or its worse than weird - - its abnormal.. thanx 2 u gibbs! LoL (kidding)

Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about him- or herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to tag 6 people as well and list their names. Don’t forget to let them know they've been tagged!

Here goes nothing. . .

1. I have this thing.. Its my S.S.B. ( secret single behavior ) its what i do when im alone and its supposed to be a secret now im revealing it . . . when im alone i suck my lips till they turn so red and stop when their already swelling.

2. i cut my bangs and the next day I feel awful, yet I do it all over again. i cant be next to a scissor in the bathroom since I end up cutting my hair. my hair dresser / friend notices that I cut my own hair since its uneven. duh?!

3. I have been wearing nail polish since highschool and never tried black or blue... and I find girls wearing those colors really cool.

4. I dont eat food which I haven't tasted as a kid, cant eat something new. like seaweed with suka, i feel ignorant not trying out other food another is sea urchin. When I was on duty at siquijor, all my blockmates ate sea urchin, all of em except me! there's a long list of food I havent tasted. ampalaya, guinamos, uyap, guyabano.. I could go on til forever...

5. They say coffee stunts growth, Iv been drinking coffee since 4y.o ( I used to call it "tapee" back then) I was my abulito's(grandfathers) spoiled grandchild and the maids were forced to give me coffee every breakfast. right now, im 5'9'' tall.. now thats not short ryt?

6. i dont believe in magic... but i believe fairytales and happy endings =)

boo, coy, , ian, thad,makoy cuzin carlos
spill it out...=)

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