Tuesday, May 29, 2007


since most of my blog friends are posting about ms.universe here's a lil' something2x that made me sigh...

it upsets me that the "suma-cum-whatever" just won ms.photogenic...she didnt even make it to the top 15.. (BOOHOO!)
Philippines won the Miss Photogenic award for the seventh time (it has won this award three years in a row since 2005).

* James Kyson Lee - actor on Heroes
* Lindsay Clubine - Deal or No Deal briefcase model
* Tony Romo - Dallas Cowboys quarterback
* Dave Navarro - rock star
* Michelle Kwan - World and Olympic figure skating champion
* Mauricio Islas - Mexican actor
* Marc Bouwer - fashion designer
* Nina Garcia - Project Runway judge and Elle magazine fashion director
* Dayanara Torres - Miss Universe 1993
* Christiane Martel - Mexican actress and Miss Universe 1953

these are very modern judges!!! REd hot dave navarro!!! whooppeee

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